* TTL: Set Time To Live for records (default: 300)
* SET_IPV4: Update A record (default: yes)
* SET_IPV6: Update AAAA record (default: no)
* FORCE_IPV4: Force the IPv4 address to be used in DNS A records
* FORCE_IPV6: Force the IPv6 address to be used in DNS AAAA records
### Examples
The easiest way to run gandi-livedns is simply to *docker run* it from a computer in your network, leaving it running in the background with all the default settings.
This will update **blog.your-gandi-hosted-domain.com**, **www.your-gandi-hosted-domain.com**, and **your-gandi-hosted-domain.com** with your internet-facing IP (IPv4) every 10 minutes
An equivalent setup using docker-compose could look like this: