# Movary Movary is a self-hosted web application to track and rate your watched movies (like a digital movie diary). You can import/export your history and ratings from/to third parties like trakt.tv or letterboxd.com, scrobble your watches via Plex and Jellyfin and more. Demo installation can be found [here](https://demo.movary.org/) (login email `testUser@movary.org` and password `testUser`). [](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/dfa65cd4f21099481b5fc47832cc56dfc3dc3d45ee559238d2e5d6fa242b256e/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f317176685746682e706e67) View More Info [here](https://github.com/leepeuker/movary/blob/main/README.md#about)!