Ticket Management System in order to help helpdesks & service desks manage internal staff & customer requests

The default login credentials are

User: admin@admin.com
Password: 1234

## [](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint#introduction)Introduction

It's a self hosted alternative to popular services such as zendesk


## [](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint#-features)✨ Features

-   **Ticket Creation**: Bog standard ticket creation with a markdown editor and file uploads
-   **A log of client history**
-   **Markdown based Notebook with todo lists**
-   **Responsive**: Designed for variable screen sizes from mobile up to 4k
-   **Multi-deployment**: Quickly deploy using docker & pm2
-   **Simple to Use**: Designed to be easy to use with a simple logical workflow

## [](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint#documentation)Documentation

We have started working on creating documentation for peppermint which covers development to general usage. Click [here](https://docs.peppermint.sh) to be taken directly there.

## [](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint#motivation)Motivation

-   This was initially a project to tie together my react and nodeJS skills and show something for my portfolio
-   It looked terrible! But it worked and showed functionaility, which got me a job.
-   Learn and deploy with docker
-   Redo the UI, completly from the ground up. Which has now been completed and for me looks great.
-   Build on this foundation and create a fully fledged product which offers what the big boys offer, but, at a much better ROI than signing up for zendesk etc.

## [](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint#screenshots)Screenshots

[![Logo](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/raw/master/static/homepage.png)](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/blob/master/static/homepage.png) [![Logo](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/raw/master/static/create_a_ticket.png)](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/blob/master/static/create_a_ticket.png) [![Logo](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/raw/master/static/tickets.png)](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/blob/master/static/tickets.png) [![Logo](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/raw/master/static/detail.png)](https://github.com/Peppermint-Lab/peppermint/blob/master/static/detail.png)