Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases. See [screenshots]( for quick overview:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Trilium Screenshot" width="1000"></a>

## 🎁 Features

* Notes can be arranged into arbitrarily deep tree. Single note can be placed into multiple places in the tree (see [cloning](
* Rich WYSIWYG note editing including e.g. tables, images and [math]( with markdown [autoformat](
* Support for editing [notes with source code](, including syntax highlighting
* Fast and easy [navigation between notes](, full text search and [note hoisting](
* Seamless [note versioning](
* Note [attributes]( can be used for note organization, querying and advanced [scripting](
* [Synchronization]( with self-hosted sync server
  * there's a [3rd party service for hosting synchronisation server](
* [Sharing]( (publishing) notes to public internet
* Strong [note encryption]( with per-note granularity
* Sketching diagrams with built-in Excalidraw (note type "canvas")
* [Relation maps]( and [link maps]( for visualizing notes and their relations
* [Scripting]( - see [Advanced showcases](
* [REST API]( for automation
* Scales well in both usability and performance upwards of 100 000 notes
* Touch optimized [mobile frontend]( for smartphones and tablets
* [Night theme](
* [Evernote]( and [Markdown import & export](
* [Web Clipper]( for easy saving of web content