## Installation Notes ## You will need to enable the "expose app" option and configure a URL in Tipi to use Tooljet. This setting can be changed at a later date if an integration is identified that needs it. ## Easily build internal tools. Visual app builder: 40+ built-in responsive widgets such as Tables, Charts, Lists, Forms, Progressbars, and more. ToolJet Database: In-built no-code database. Multi-Page: Build an application with as many pages as you want. Multiplayer editing: multiple users can use the app builder at the same time. 40+ data sources: connect to external databases, cloud storages and APIs. Desktop & mobile: layout widths can be customised to support different screens. Self-host: (supports Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, AWS EC2, Google Cloud Run, and more). Collaborate: add comments anywhere on the canvas and tag your team members. Extend with plugins: use our commandline tool to easily bootstrap new connectors. Version control: every application have different versions with proper release cycle. Run JS & Python code: ability custom JavaScript & Python snippets Granular access control on group-level and app-level. Low-code: write JS code almost anywhere in the builder. For example, the color property of text can be set to status === 'success' ? 'green' : 'red' No-code query editors: for all supported data sources. Join and transform data: transform query results using just JavaScript/Python code. Secure: All the credentials are securely encrypted using aes-256-gcm. Doesn't store data: ToolJet acts only as a proxy and doesn't store any data. SSO: Supports multiple SSO providers