What if you could see everything at a...


![example homepage](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glanceapp/glance/main/docs/images/readme-main-image.png) ### Features #### Various widgets - RSS feeds - Subreddit posts - Weather - Bookmarks - Latest YouTube videos from specific channels - Calendar - Stocks - iframe - Twitch channels & top games - GitHub releases - Repository overview - Site monitor #### Themeable ![multiple color schemes example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glanceapp/glance/main/docs/images/themes-example.png) #### Optimized for mobile devices ![mobile device previews](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glanceapp/glance/main/docs/images/mobile-preview.png) #### Fast and lightweight - Minimal JS, no bloated frameworks - Very few dependencies - Single, easily distributed <15mb binary and just as small docker container - All requests are parallelized, uncached pages usually load within ~1s (depending on internet speed and number of widgets) ### Configuration Checkout the [configuration docs](docs/configuration.md) to learn more. A [preconfigured page](docs/configuration.md#preconfigured-page) is also available to get you started quickly.