{ "name": "Spoolman", "available": true, "port": 7912, "exposable": true, "id": "spoolman", "description": "Spoolman is a web service that helps you keep track of your filament spools and how they are being used. It acts as a database, where other printer software such as Octoprint and Moonraker can interact with to have a centralized place for spool information. For example, if used together with Moonraker, your spool weight will automatically be reduced as your print is progressing.", "tipi_version": 4, "version": "0.18.1", "categories": ["utilities", "automation"], "short_desc": "Keep track of your inventory of 3D-printer filament spools", "author": "Donkie", "source": "https://github.com/Donkie/Spoolman", "supported_architectures": ["arm64", "amd64"] }