## Kasm Kasm Workspaces is a docker container streaming platform for delivering browser-based access to desktops, applications, and web services. Kasm uses devops-enabled Containerized Desktop Infrastructure (CDI) to create on-demand, disposable, docker containers that are accessible via web browser. Example use-cases include Remote Browser Isolation (RBI), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Desktop as a Service (DaaS), Secure Remote Access Services (RAS), and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) collections. The rendering of the graphical-based containers is powered by the open-source project KasmVNC **Warning:** You will firstly need to access the port 8743 for the initial setup of the container. **If you dont do this the app won't work!**<br> **Warning:** The app works with https if you dont access **all the ports** (setup and main) with https in the front you will get an empty response error.