- The [demo is available here](https://demo2.librephotos.com/). User is ```demo```, password is ```demo1234```. - You can watch development videos on [Niaz Faridani-Rad's channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJ2pk2BPKxwbuCV9LWDR0w) - You can join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/xwRvtSDGWb).  <sub>Mockup designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik</sub> ## Installation Step-by-step installation instructions are available in our [documentation](https://docs.librephotos.com/1/) ## Features - Support for all types of photos including raw photos - Support for videos - Timeline view - Scans pictures on the file system - Multiuser support - Generate albums based on events like "Thursday in Berlin" - Face recognition / Face classification - Reverse geocoding - Object / Scene detection - Semantic image search - Search by metadata