890 B
890 B
Crafty Controller 4.2.2
Python based Control Panel for your Minecraft Server
Default credentials are located in runtipi/app-data/crafty/config/default-creds.txt
What is Crafty Controller?
Crafty Controller is a Minecraft Server Control Panel / Launcher. The purpose of Crafty Controller is to launch a Minecraft Server in the background and present a web interface for the server administrators to interact with their servers. Crafty is compatible with Docker, Linux, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Documentation available on Crafty Docs
Project Homepage - https://craftycontrol.com
Discord Server - https://discord.gg/9VJPhCE
Git Repository - https://gitlab.com/crafty-controller/crafty-4
Docker Hub - arcadiatechnology/crafty-4